Birmingham City Council is improving the way that the city’s people and professionals access support, advice and information in relation to reporting a concern about a child, or making contact with an allocated social worker.
Replacing the Children’s Information and Advice Service
The Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) launched on Monday 5 September, with the new resource replacing the Children’s Information and Advice Service (CIAS).
Support services
The new implementation offers earlier support from a range of partners and provides support services including:
- Information for families
- School admissions and pupil placements
- Concerns for a child or family – or to receive Early Help advice on thresholds and pathways
- Support from the Early Help and Brokerage Service
- Support to complete an Early Help Assessment
- Booking onto your local Early Help Panel
- Family Support and Think Family
- Accessing MASH to report or to discuss your safeguarding concern for a child.
Get in touch
To help target resources and consolidate support, information will now be provided by the corporate contact centre and still by calling 303 1888.
Following on from the Early Help Panels, which went live on the September 19, Early Help local partnerships are due to launch within October, with mini-conferences planned in each of the five partnership areas.
For further information please contact the Chair of your TAF panel.