Contact us

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Contact us:

The team at BPCN are passionate about play and supporting the sector. Please contact us about any of our services or to discuss finding out more about what we do.

Emma Payne

Business Development Manager

Phillipa England

Scrapstore Manager

Gill Woodward

Scrapstore Project Worker

Corrinne Lowe

Scrapstore Project Worker

Zac Storrie

Scrapstore Project Worker

Jessica Mansbridge

Social Media Administrator

Gill Neiyyar

Claire Bradbury

8 thoughts on “Contact us

  1. Hello. I hope you are well.

    I would just like some clarification please. The website says the scrapstore is open to everyone, but then also talks about how the scraps given are used in child care across the area. We are hoping to come, but we are a Hospice planning an all- age remembrance event, and just want to check that we are also OK to come to the scrapstore.

    Many thanks, I look forward to receiving your reply and hopefully then visiting you.


    1. Hello Ruth Everyone is welcome at the scrapstore just turn up during our opening hours. A lot of customers are nurseries and schools because our original remit and founding organisation was Birmingham Playcare Network. Please be assured we have something for everyone. Kind Regards Jessica

  2. Hi do u do activities in the summer holidays
    Where can i find more info

  3. Hello, I’m a home educator and I have a medium so group of home ed children whom I arrange activities for.
    Would this facility be availed to us?
    I’m travelling over today as my daughter has a sewing lesson, so I was going to swing in

    1. Hello Bex
      Everyone is welcome at the scrapstore just turn up during our opening hours. A lot of customers are nurseries and schools because our original remit and founding organisation was Birmingham Playcare Network. Please be assured we have something for everyone. Kind Regards Jessica

  4. Is that Tuesday and Friday or Tuesday thru til Friday opening so Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and just the 2 days???

    1. Tuesday to Friday between 10am – 4pm

  5. Hiya I left my phone number and name etc if any volentery work come up to contact me was this received please??

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