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Tools for monitoring language development

Do you work with children in early years settings in the UK? At the ESRC Language and Communicative Development Centre, we are trying to identify what tools are used to monitor children’s language and communication development in different settings throughout their first few years. Click the here to complete our questionnaire and share your experiences with us.

National Portage Association (NPA)

Would you like to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence to support children with SEND and their families?The NPA provide training and support to the early years workforce to develop Portage practice.

Portage Workshop – A Small Steps Approach to Learning for Children with SEND

Recently updated to support the implementation of Portage principles within early years settings.

If you are interested in accessing the training or developing Portage in your area please contact: (NPA Administrator) (South)

Further information can also be found here.

The NPA Stamp of Approval Scheme

This award is available to early years settings (including childminders and foster carers) whose staff have completed the Portage Workshop and demonstrate that they deliver high quality, inclusive early years education, based on the Portage model and Portage principles.

For criteria and application information visit our website here.