Safe Network is pleased to invite voluntary and community sector (VCS) colleagues and key statutory partners to our Autumn 2014 regional network meetings.
This series of network meetings, which are FREE for VCS and key statutory partners, run between 10am – 1pm and will include:
* A preview of Safe Network’s new unique Multi-faith safeguarding hub * The opportunity to explore the newly updated version of Safe Network’s resource Keeping our children safe: raising awareness in black and minority ethnic communities * A local, frontline, perspective on faith and community safeguarding or a region specific session (please see booking link for details) * The chance to network, share experiences and identify support opportunities within your local region
These meetings are free for the VCS and key partners including:
* Frontline children and young people’s VCS organisations * VCS umbrella bodies * Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Chairs, Business Managers, Safeguarding Managers, LSCB Lay members and Local Authority Commissioners and Partnership Managers * VCS representatives on LSCBs, Health & Wellbeing Boards or Children’s Partnership BoardsAdditionally, there are a strictly limited number of £50.00 places for private, independent and statutory providers of services (i.e. individual schools and health settings)
Book your place: Safe Network in the regions, Autumn 2014- West Midlands