Safe Network is pleased to announce the launch of their new safeguarding resource for faith groups: the Multi-faith safeguarding hub.
This unique online resource produced by Safe Network and partners from across the faith and voluntary sector provides access to a range of information, resources, support and networking opportunities with a multi-faith focus.
The hub aims to encourage faith based groups and organisations to share good safeguarding practice with each other.
It covers the six main faiths in the UK; Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism as well as an Inter-faith section. Within each section you will find:
* a film showing personal faith statements and activities with children and young people * faith-specific stories and texts which show how children and young people are valued * safeguarding case scenarios * examples of best practice * information and resources * details of specialist organisations or other relevant links.The Multi-faith hub is suitable for:
* individuals with a safeguarding role ! in their faith setting * support services, community groups or other organisations who engage with their faith sector on safeguarding issues * local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) * anyone with an interest in safeguarding within a faith setting.This online resource is FREE and can be accessed here.
There will a webinar running on Wednesday 3rd December on using this new resource – click here to book your space.