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Early Language Development Programme (ELDP)

The Early Language Development Programme (ELDP) aims to ensure more young children develop the language skills they need to be school ready and to improve their life chances. The programme will particularly target 0-2 year olds and their families in England’s most disadvantaged areas.

ELDP will help Children’s Centres, schools, nurseries and preschools build capacity and skills in communication and language – one of the three prime areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum.

This 2 ½ day training programme will be delivered across West/Central hubs. Please note Day 1 (ELDP Module 1 & 2) must be attended before Day 2 (Module 3) and Day 3 (Module4) which is ½ a day.

For further details please click on the links below:

West Central ELDP info flyer  SLC ELDP Training 2014-15