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Early Help Panels provide support for local practitioners

Early Help Panels (EHP) has been set up in Birmingham to give local practitioners the opportunity to discuss cases, identify blockages and agree solutions.

Team Around Family

Replacing the Team Around Family (TAF) meetings, the five Early Help Panels will share information and help ensure a consistent approach to Early Help, and will be aligned with Birmingham Education Partnership (BEP).

The panels will be helping agencies manage a case within their own resources and/or with the support of other agencies, address blockages in the system, provide a level of multi-agency background information sharing on a case/family and suggest actions and ways forward. The following areas will be covered:

The membership of the Local Early Help Panels comes from the main agencies in each of the five areas, including Health, Education, Police, Early Years, Voluntary Sector, Housing Family Support, Safeguarding, Youth Offending Service, Mental Health and much more.

To access the EHP you will need full consent of the family, and to have been working with the family to complete an Early Help Assessment (or fCAF). You will send in your assessment to one of the five email boxes (above). You could also be directed to the EHP through a conversation with CASS (Children’s Advice and Support Service).

For further information please visit: