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The Department for Education calls for evidence for risk-based inspection proposals

The Department for Education put a call out on November 26 2015 looking for evidence to inform the development of the government’s proposals detailing how certain out-of-school education settings will be potentially required to register and be subject to risk-based inspections.

The deadline for responding with evidence is Monday 11th January 2016 with the new initiative targeting a range of out-of-school education settings listed below.

Organisations affected

  • Local authorities
  • Supplementary schools
  • Tuition centres
  • Other out-of-school education settings
  • Schools
  • Accreditation bodies
  • Parents
  • Young people
  • Any other interested organisations and individuals.
Respond online

To help analyse the responses please use the online system wherever possible. Visit to submit your response.

Other ways to respond

If for exceptional reasons, you are unable to use the online system, for example because you use specialist accessibility software that is not compatible with the system, you may download a word document version of the form and email it or post it.

By email

By post

Out-of-school settings: call for evidence Department for Education
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street

London SW1P 3BT

The results of the consultation and the Department’s response will be published on GOV.UK in 2016.

This article has been sourced from the Department for Education under the following licence: